The Hounds of Tannenbaum
12 month Limited Health Guarantee
12 month Limited Health Guarantee
______ At your expense, your puppy will need to be inspected by your veterinarian within five (5) Business days after purchase. Your 12 month Limited Health Guarantee is void if your puppy is not seen by your veterinarian within 5 Business days after purchase.
____All Veterinarian expenses resulting from this inspection are the responsibility of the BUYER.
Hounds of Tannenbaum will have a Liver Shunt Test done at 9 weeks of age. Liver Shunt disease can happen in any dog and not unique to Irish wolfhounds. Only 1% of the Irish Wolfhounds in the USA would be found positive- Along with testing, I do keep my Irish Wolfhound puppies until they are 10 to 11 weeks instead of 8 weeks to ensure they are thriving.
12 month Guarantee on Genetic Health – (12 month guarantee begins at date of birth) If a genetic condition or congenital abnormalities are found, that is determined by your vet to be detrimental to the puppy’s long term health and is considered FATAL to the puppy; and at your expense a second opinion from The Hounds of Tannenbaum vet, Alvarado Vet Clinic, is to be considered final, regarding non-genetic illnesses, genetic condition or congenital abnormalities and cannot jeopardize the seller if the puppy is mis-diagnosed by the buyer’s veterinarian regarding diagnosis or prognosis of the condition. If the puppy is deemed to have a detrimental health problems that is fatal, at that time
the buyer may return the puppy within 24 hours, for one of like quality and sex, as determined by The Hounds of Tannenbaum, if any puppies are left in the litter, or a refund. (any medication, testing, etc done while at your veterinarian will be the responsibility of the buyer and will not be refunded. Any items bought for said puppy, beds, leash, collar, food, toys, etc will not be refunded by the Hounds of Tannenbaum.)
The buyer must make The Hounds of Tannenbaum aware of this discovery within 12 hours of the time that the buyer receives the diagnosis. Make sure to bring all copies of original papers. Buyer must visit Hounds of Tannenbaum veterinarian with 24 hours for a second opinion.
The Hounds of Tannenbaum does not extend this policy related to common, insignificant or short-term conditions. These include, but are not limited to, the presence of common parasites, round-worms, coccidian, giardia, hookworms, tapeworm, etc, fleas, small scratches, scrapes or bites from other puppies or coughs that are deemed to be short-term and easily treated not considered a major detriment to the puppy’s long term health.
To protect your Limited Health Guarantee and more importantly your puppy’s health; take your puppy for his/her examinations and vaccinations when they are due. Your puppy has been given some vaccinations already but will require more. The next vaccination is due in two – three (2-3) weeks from the puppy’s last vaccination. The last vaccination and worming was given___ The veterinarian will tell you when to bring your puppy for his/her next vaccination. Your Limited Health Guarantee is void if this vaccination is not administered by your veterinarian.
The Hounds of Tannenbaum does NOT pay for ANY veterinarian visits after purchase.
Our warranty does NOT cover hips and hip dysplasia.
1) Because of the angularity and frame structure of Giant Breeds, a person could make the case that every Dane/Wolfhound (in theory) is dysplastic to a degree. Much of what could be clinically classified as dysplasia via X-ray limitations and is a result of breed characteristics that are specified in breed standards.
2) There are factors other than genetics that contribute to Dysplasia, including, but not limited to, the slope that a dog lives on, the floor surface, the activities the dog participates in , jumping off furniture, etc.
The buyers agrees to inform The Hounds of Tannenbaum of any titles or awards obtained by the animal for our records. The buyer agrees to allow The Hounds of Tannenbaum to use any information or pictures obtained of, or about this animal for anything we deem necessary for the benefit of our kennel, including advertisement or publications of any kind.
_______Puppies are sold as PET quality and the puppy MUST be spayed/neutered within the first 18 months/24months
It is okay if you or your vet want to spayed or neuter earlier.
Limited Health Guarantee Summary of Requirements
*Puppy needs to be examined by a veterinarian within 5 days after purchase.
*Booster shot is REQUIRED to be administered by veterinarian by 3 weeks from puppy’s last vaccination on ____ All other shots and worming are at the customer’s expense.
*Emergency Veterinarian care is NOT covered by The Hounds of Tannenbaum
*Sunday/Holiday veterinarian care is not always available; don’t wait until an illness becomes an emergency.
*There are no refunds or discounts for problems listed under “Common Puppy Problems” or other problems listed in contract.
*The Hounds of Tannenbaum does not guarantee size, color, hair length, texture, temperament and/or house training abilities.
*Your Great Dane or Irish Wolfhound puppy can be registered by AKC. If you decide to register your puppy, the registration fees are at your expense.
Please make certain you are making the right choice of pet or breed. Consider the likely temperament of your puppy and his/her time requirements before purchasing the puppy. Be aware that no dog is hypoallergenic. Puppies are a LONG-TERM responsibility and require a great deal of time, attention and training. The Hounds of Tannenbaum DOES NOT encourage impulse buying.
Common puppy problems usually occur within two (2) weeks after purchase. Most of these problems are stress related. Stress can occur when your puppy is taken into a new environment. Your puppy is in many ways like a child during his/her first weeks at a new school. Your puppy may look fine in the familiar surroundings of The Hounds of Tannenbaum, but shortly after bringing the puppy home, stress related symptoms might arise. The Hounds of Tannenbaum has compiled this list of “Common Puppy Problems” that should clear up quickly after you and your puppy get used to your new life together. These problems can occur no matter where a puppy was purchased and therefore are NOT SUBJECT TO RETURNS OR REFUNDS.
KENNEL COUGH/UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTION (URI)/PNEUMONIA: Coughing, hacking, sneezing and a runny nose are all symptoms of kennel cough. While kennel cough can be debilitating, it is RARELY life threatening. The cough may linger for several weeks. The ONLY TREATMENT is a proper ANTIBIOTIC. We have vaccinated all the puppies but the vaccination may not provide a complete immunization. There is a 50% chance that any puppy will get kennel cough. There is a five – ten (5-10) day incubation period for the virus that causes kennel cough. Observe the puppy closely for the next two (2) weeks for symptoms and call the veterinarian at the first sign of illness. The sooner the puppy is given the proper antibiotics the sooner the puppy will get better.
DIARRHEA: Diarrhea can occur from stress, change of diet/water, or any change in environment. If the diarrhea is severe or the puppy is in pain, you may give your puppy a SMALL amount (1/4 – 1/2 tsp per 5pounds) of PEPTO-BISMOL. This will not cure an intestinal infection, coccidiosis, or giardhea. If the diarrhea persists for more than a day or two, call your veterinarian.
BLOOD OR JELLY (MUCUS) IN THE STOOL: Blood or jelly in the stool is usually a sign of intestinal parasites (coccidiodid or giardhea). Blood can also be a sign of an intestinal blockage or viral infection. Contact your veterinarian if you see blood or mucus in the stool.
LACK OF APPETITE: This may occur for the first few days. If your puppy is not eating, you may add a little plain non-fat yogurt or canned wet food to the dry food. The yogurt may stimulate the puppy’s appetite. DO NOT add these things at every meal as this may spoil your puppy, and he/she will need this at every meal.
CRYING: Most puppies will go through a period of adjustment when they join a new family. The puppy will cry when put into the crate to sleep. Make sure there is nothing really wrong with the puppy and try to ignore the noise. Soon the puppy will learn crying doesn’t work to get your attention.
Reminder: Puppy illnesses can progress very quickly; please do not ignore a minor problem until it becomes a major problem. The Hounds of Tannenbaum is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any emergency veterinarian visits or expenses.
There are many viruses that can make puppies sick and some are even fatal. Nursing puppies get antibodies from their mother’s milk (maternal antibodies) that protect them from disease for the first few months of life, these antibodies begin to gradually decrease when the puppy reaches a few months of age. To protect the puppy’s health, incremental shots are administered to replace the lost protection.
IMPORTANT: To determine which vaccinations and preventative medications will work best for you and your pets check with your veterinarian.
DA2PP (Adenovirus, Distemper, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
* Begin vaccinations at 6-8 weeks of age.
* Continued every 2-3 weeks until 17-18 weeks of age.
* Given yearly after initial puppy series.
Adenovirus: Adenoviruses are known as Type 1 or Type 2 and cause liver or respiratory disease, respectively. Adult dogs are often able to recover from this virus, but it is fatal in many puppies. The respiratory form is a minor contributor to kennel cough. The liver disease (hepatitis) is spread by infected urine or feces. Signs include fever and diarrhea, and the virus damages the liver, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels.
Distemper: Canine distemper is a very prevalent, highly contagious disease of dogs that can be spread by contact with mucous and watery secretions discharged from the eyes and nose of infected dogs. Infection may also occur from exposure to urine, fecal material and through the air. Signs of distemper include squinting, congestion of the eyes, weight loss vomiting, nasal discharge, poor appetite and sometimes diarrhea. In some cases, no signs are observed until seizures begin.
Parainfluenza: Parainfluenza causes respiratory disease in adult dogs, which can be quite severe in young puppies. It is considered to be a minor contributor to kennel cough. Signs include mild fever, nasal discharge, reddened tonsils, and a harsh, non-productive cough.
Parvovirus (CPV): This highly contagious virus is transmitted by oral contact with infected feces. The virus can survive in the environment for long periods of time and can be transmitted on toys, bowls, and clothing, as well as in the soil. For this reason, prevention of exposure is almost impossible. The signs of disease are seen approximately 5 days after exposure and include: severe, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, lethargy, depression and loss of appetite are all characterized by CPV. Please note that many infected dogs may not show every clinical sign however, vomiting and diarrhea are most commonly seen. The diarrhea is particularly foul smelling and is sometimes yellow in color. Puppies less than five (5) months of age are often the most severely affected and the most difficult to treat. The surest way to avoid CPV in your dog is to adhere to the recommended vaccination schedule. Also, until a puppy has received its complete series of vaccinations, pet owners should use caution when bringing their pet to areas where young puppies congregate (e.g.: parks, puppy classes, obedience classes, doggy daycare, and grooming establishments). Finally, do not allow your puppy or dog to come into contact with the fecal waste of other dogs while walking or playing outdoors and prompt and proper disposal of waste material is always advisable as a way to limit spread of canine parvovirus infection.
* Given once when puppy is older than 16 weeks of age
* first booster given at 1year of age.
* Given every 1 to 3 years (depending on state laws) after initial 1year booster.
In all states, law requires all dogs to be up to date on their rabies vaccinations. This virus is a threat to all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Rabies is spread by bites or scratches (blood or saliva) of affected animals, and attacks the nervous system tissue (brain and spinal cord). Any animal affected by or suspected to have rabies must be euthanized for testing. Because rabies is fatal to humans, unvaccinated animals may be required to be euthanized.
* Series of two vaccinations given 2-3weeks apart.
* Yearly booster given.
A bacteria-like organism, called Borrelia burgdorferi, causes Lyme disease. A bloodsucking agent, usually a tick, transfers these organisms from host to host. Lyme disease is highly prevalent on the east coast and the ticks that carry Lyme disease can be found in the woods as well in your backyard. Signs of Lyme disease include lethargy, joint pain and swelling and lameness. More serious signs include kidney failure and heart problems. Due to the fact that symptoms may remain hidden in the early stages of the disease, it is important to have your dog tested yearly for exposure. The vaccination for Lyme disease is not 100% effective, and it is therefore recommended that it be used in conjunction with a tick prevention product.
*Given to puppies that will be going to a groomer, attending obedience classes, being boarded, or anywhere they will be exposed to large numbers of dogs.
*Given yearly
Fleas and ticks can cause a host of problems for your dog, from flea allergy dermatitis to Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. In large enough amounts, both fleas and ticks can cause dangerous amounts of blood loss and even death, especially in young animals. To find out what is the best product for you and your pet, check with your veterinarian.
Canine heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms living in the arteries of the lungs and in the right side of the heart. Mosquitoes spread the heartworm infection, when a mosquito “bites” an infected dog; it takes up blood, which may contain microscopic immature forms of heartworms called microfilariae. The microfilariae incubate in the mosquito for about two weeks, during which they become infective larvae. Then, when the mosquito bites another dog, the infective larvae are passed into the second dog, infecting it. The infective larvae migrate through the tissues of the body for about three months, and then enter the heart where they reach adult size in another three months. As you might expect, heartworm infection is more common in areas where mosquitoes are numerous, and outdoor dogs constantly exposed to mosquitoes are the most frequent victims. To prevent heartworms, there are a variety of options for preventing heartworms, including daily and monthly tablets and chewable, and monthly topical. While treatment of canine heartworm disease is usually successful, prevention of the disease is much safer and more economical.